Monday, May 30, 2011

Senior Adult Choir Tour 2011 Day One

We began our Senior Adult Choir trek to Louisville, Kentucky today.  The Lord granted us travelling mercies, and we arrived in Louisville at 8:15 p.m., exactly as scheduled.  On the way, we made a stop at the Western NC Baptist Retirement Home, where we presented out concert program, and were warmly received.  We got to meet a lot for very nice folks there, and as always, I believe we were able to warm some spirits and touch some hearts.  Interestingly enough, there was a person from Louisville, KY in the audience, as well as Mooresville.  There were probably about 30 residents there to listen to us, which is a good crowd for facilities such as this.  We also stopped for lunch at the Moose Cafe near the farmer's market for an unbelievably good meal.  Following lunch, we headed to KY, where on the way we watched the movies "Secretariat" while seeing the scenery of the Kentucky countryside and horse barns that dotted the landscape.

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