Monday, May 22, 2017

Memorial Day Responsive Prayer

A responsive reading/prayer for Memorial Day
by Chris Bridges

Leader:  Eternal Father, strong to save, we pause now in thankfulness
People:  We remember the acts of soldiers and statesmen
Leader:  We are thankful for the blessings of freedoms that we now enjoy as a result of the fruit of their labor.  
People:  We are strengthened by the resolve of those who considered freedom more important than their own lives.
Leader:  Help us now, in acts both small and grand, to embrace sacrifice as a worthy attribute
People:  Being willing to share, willing to serve, willing to give, and willing to lay down our lives
Leader:  Protect, we pray, the lives of those in service even now for our nation
People: Give comfort to all who grieve those who have paid freedom’s biggest price
Leader: We ask this prayer in the name of Jesus, who Himself is acquainted with grief and sacrifice.
People:  We remember, and say “let this be done.”
Leader:  Let us now pause for a moment of silence to remember those who have died for our freedom.