Friday, February 15, 2008

A Post Card Moment, kind of

I thought I would do a "super spiritual" thing one day of my vacation and take my Bible out to the beach and just hang out with God for a few minutes. I imagined all of the great revelations that would come out of this picture perfect post-card type setting. However, I had to giggle to myself when the continual distractions of dog walkers, gusty wind, and other things made it more like a comedy than a post card.

Still I was able to read some "random" (nothing ever really random with God's Word) passages, and here's what the Lord reminded me of:

From Isaiah 66, I was reminded that God will not forget the unjust. They will be punished, but in his own timetable.

From Acts 8, through the encounter with Simon the Sorcerer, I was reminded that money can buy a lot, but it can't buy the power of God in one's life. And through Phillip, I was reminded of our mission to win the lost, and how sometimes the Lord "yanks" you away somewhere else! (v.39)

From the gospel of John, Chapter 6, I was reminded that Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is our sustenance. Acceptance of that sacrifice (internalizing it) is the only was we can have full "communion" with God. The key to eternal life is BELIEF.

From Psalm 73, I was reminded again (in a bookend way) that the Lord will judge the wicked - that I have no need to worry about enacting justice myself. The Lord has me by "my right hand" (v. 23) and will help my embittered spirit, and will provide care and sustenance of my spirit.

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