Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Every. Hidden. Thing.

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 NIV)

Secrets.  Motives.  True Feelings.  Buried deep down within the heart of who we are is, well, "who we really are."  For the redeemed Christian, that place deep down within should be a clean spotless place.  But truthfully, we know that on this side of eternity, that inner room needs sweeping up now and then.  Well, who am I kidding?  That inner room needs a remodel in the case of most of us!  

I came to the conclusion working today through Ecclesiastes, which in the last decade of my life has grown to be probably one of my favorite sections of scripture.  It speaks well to the realization of aging, of what's truly important in life, the frustrations of the mundane day-to-day life and the fruitless pursuits in which we waste our time.  

The final passages hit home, because in summary it tells us what we know in our hearts is the common-sense game plan that should be in motion for all of our lives.  Here's the Chris Bridges paraphrase: "I've said all there needs to be said.  Do what you know you're supposed to do for God.  He knows your heart and will judge you for it."  In another study I'm going through at church on Samson, the author, Chip Henderson, spends much time on discussing how much Samson kept hidden.  Most of what he kept hidden came back to haunt him later.  Skeletons in the closet rarely stay there.  Someone we let into our lives at some point, you know, that supposedly trusted friend, that person we're trying to make a good impression on, etc. will gain access to our heart and start walking around opening doors.  The results can be character-shattering.  Don't take that risk.  Pull the junk out of your mind's closets and deal with them (maybe have a yard sale? - okay, not really).  

Because one day, like this passage says.  God will come knocking.  He's got a universal key, so He lets Himself in.  (I'm over-generalizing here, of course, but stay with me).  He doesn't just walk the halls.  He looks in that closet.  He lifts up the rug.  He pulls down the attic stairs and climbs up.  The crawl space.  The hollowed out book.  The search history on your computer.  The sock drawer.  It's all laid bare and everything is exposed.  I don't believe that God has a clipboard in His hand waiting to issue a citation.  Instead, with that loving, diciplining look of disappointed Father, he'll glance back at us, like Jesus did when Peter denied Him, and we know he knows....EVERY HIDDEN THING.

And to make a further point of clarification, I don't think this is just an end-times judgement sort of thing in this passage.  There will be judgement then, of course.  I think this refers to "pop quiz" moments of inspection as well too.  You know, the times the teacher handed you that quiz you were unprepared for?  So, let's be ready.  Let's start the clean-up or the remodel.  Inspection could come at any time. 

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