Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Right Relationship

Today I read in Psalm 24 (you know the one right after the famous Psalm 23) about how to be in good standing with God, or rather "who can climb the mountain of God."

3 Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? 4 Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies. 5 They will receive the Lord’s blessing and have a right relationship with God their savior. 6 Such people may seek you and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob (NLV).

This sort of makes a little checklist for us. Let's see...

Are my hands and hearts pure? Hmm, maybe not all the time but I think I strike pretty well here.

Do I worship idols? Well, if you're talking about those big scary statues, no. However, there's somethings in my life I often find in competition with God, that's for sure.

Do I never tell lies? I'd say no, but then again, that would be - uh - lying.

I guess I, like all of us have a constant struggle in the quest for righteousness. But then, priase God there's GRACE.

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