Wednesday, February 01, 2017

A Personal Prayer for Living in Today's Divided World

Lord, may my words today be soft, gentle, and wise.
May my compassion be judged as genuine.
Forbid that my passion for my personal moral creeds be seen as hateful, while having the strength to anchor myself in the harbor of the foundations of your Word.
Allow that I may be indeed slow to speak and eager to listen.
Permit me to exercise the wisdom of the forgotten act of being silent and writing in the sand, rather than my haste to judgement
Undergird me with a foundation in which my joy cannot be stolen, but instead shared
Help me to never be so inaccessible that I am seen as uncaring, yet have the resolve to retreat for times of solitude when my soul's health is at risk
Enable me a thirst for the Word of God, and let my joy be the Kingdom's joy.
Eliminate in me the desire to brood in the things of no significance
Grant me the patience to overlook the interruptions in my plans to see the potential blessings of Yours.
Remind me often of Your presence, even in times where I am the one who is hiding.
Show me regularly my place in Your plan, and point me in the tasks in where I can be best used of You in the moment.
Instill in me that the knock at the door, the footsteps in the hall, and the ringing phone are not always envoys of burden and ill-will.
Ensure that I remember to not neglect the maintenance of my faith

This I pray in the Spirit, thankful for Christ as my intercessor.  Amen.

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