Monday, November 09, 2015

Litany for Evening Communion

Litany for Evening Communion
by Chris Bridges

Leader:  Tonight, we come before you guilty, stained with the scars from our sin.
People:  Lord, we confess our sins to You.
Leader:  Tonight, we come before you, our relationship broken, injured from the consequences of our sinful actions and thoughts.
People:  Lord, we ask for Your forgiveness
Leader:  Tonight, we thank you Lord for the offering of Your Son which has provided atonement.
People:  Lord, we praise you for this sacrifice.
Leader:  Tonight, we come to you, as you have commanded, to acknowledge what You have done for us.
People:  Lord, we remember Your sacrifice and Your substitution.
Leader:  Tonight we remember Your shed blood and broken body.
People:  Lord, for we know without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness from sin.  
Leader: Tonight we take and eat, as You demonstrated for us, as an offering of praise.  
People:  Lord, we honor You in this act, and we honor You with our lives.  
Leader:  Amen.  

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