Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ridgecrest Music Week 2015 Day Two

First of all, I faced the day not on all cylinders today.  For some still yet to be determined reason, I only got about two hours of sleep last night. Not sure if it was because I had caffeine to close to bed, the bed itself was uncomfortable, it was hot in the room, or the excessive "cardio" I've been doing walking up and down the hills around here.  Could be a combination of all of it.  

Still it was an informative and educational day.  I begin the day with an early class with Amanda Singer, who was overviewing the upcoming semesters of Children's Worship Series.  I really like how it is layed out, but have always felt since they introduced it last year, that it's a bit too contemporary of a model for our kiddos. It's also divided into a younger and older series, but with me having grades 1-6 combined, I would have to pick either or.  Apparantly they are starting a more traditional series back called Growing in Grace, which is a reboot of sorts of the older Children's music series with an emphasis on music education and worship. Sharon saw a teaser of that material today, and she was impressed.  I had previously thought it was just for preschool, but it will span through all of the elementary grades.  

Two good reading sessions today.  The first from PraiseGathering gleaned a few good selections such as an upbeat Southern Gospel piece called "Fear Not", a Mary McDonald piece called "All Because of the Wonderful Cross" to name a few.  In the LifeWay session in the afternoon, I got to hear the new Let's Sing Cantata "Come and Behold Him" which is very good, and a contemporary cantata called "That's Where the Story Began" that has some promise.  There was also a Phil Barfoot pull out anthem called "He Still Saves" that I really liked, and that's saying something, because most of his things are not a good fit for us.  Mike Harland posted this picture of the reading session, and if you have a good eye, you'll see my lovely head way up on the first row.  

I had two more "philosophical classes" ;) in the afternoon, one being from our conference pastor Jay Strother and his worship leader Jeremy Busler on multigenerational worship.  Some very good thoughts on what I've held as a tenant of my philosophy for years - that worship services should be designed for multiple ages to worship together.  This was followed by a class with Jon Duncan on Christ-Centered worship. I remembered that I had Dr. Duncan in a class here several years ago, and much of the material was the same.  It took scriptures on worship (like the Isaiah 6 passage) and went a little deeper with them.  

I decided to skip tonight's concert with "This Hope" since I had heard them not too long ago, and my brain was full.  It's been a bit of a discouraging evening, as I'm hearing that this may be the last Music  Week at Ridgecrest.  They are looking to move the event to Gatlinburg next year.  Words cannot describe how sad this makes me feel.  I'm not ruling out going to it, but I can't see this event being nearly as meaningful for me not being on this precious campus.  But in many ways as of late, the Lord has been showing me that sometimes you just have to let your aspirations on how you would like to see things burn themselves down into a pile of ashes so they can be rebuilt in His design.  Perhaps from time to time I've idolized this place more than the Creator that had sanctified it.  If so, lesson learned.  I think we all need to take time to inventory what really matters, and I think I'm in one of those seasons.  

To the three or so of you all out there who actually may read this, please pray that I'll make these transitions according to His plans....and that I'll get more than two hours sleep tonight as well.  :)

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