Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ridgecrest Music Week 2013 Day Four

This morning I began with two classes from Darlene Abbott again.  She has to be the best preschool/children's teacher I've ever had at Ridgecrest.  The first class dealt with Classroom Management techniques.  It turns out, this ended up being a repeat of one of her classes I took several years ago. Still, there were some new ideas presented and it was good to be refreshed on some of the things she had taught before.  It really was more of a gimmicks class than a management class and dealt with transitions with preschoolers and ways you could use music to have them stand up or sit down, be quiet, etc.  Many of these techniques I've used with preschool VBS in the years in between being in her class last.  The second class was new material for me, and it dealt with ideas for Preschool Programs.  There were some creative and very non-traditional ideas to presenting programs, such as having a program in the classroom, or have the program rotate between different classrooms and let the parents follow them around.  There were some good ideas all around in regards to dealing with preschoolers in general as well.  

In the afternoon, I had the concluding portion of the "Worshipper's Deathstyle" class.  This chapter dealt with the ultimate paradox:  in order to truly live, we must die.  Another great quote in this class dealt with the fact that our bodies are the "worship centers" not our buildings.  It was great.  I was able to purchase a DVD and CD with Grant's music and teachings to explore and share later.  We also discussed the James passage that described true worship as caring for orphans and widows.

After the Lillenas reading session this afternoon, we prepared to see Nathan perform with the children's choir in Celeste Clydesdale's "Blast Off" children's musical.  This would be the first time Nathan has had a major speaking part in anything like this. After the youth choir opened the evening, the children's choir took the stage, and the program was fantastic. Nathan played a star named "Fireball" and it was funny to hear the other kids use that as a nickname for him throughout the week.  He did a great job.  Now both Nathan and I can say we've had drama roles we've performed on the stage at Ridgecrest at one time or another.  

After the choir performance, we enjoyed a mini-concert from Tommy Walker, who also sang last year.  Several very touching songs, and he once again showed his mastery of the guitar.  

We enjoyed one more visit to the Nibble Nook this evening, and it was quite fun to see Nathan and Ginny  running around and having fun with the friends they made this week.  I think This place is becoming special for them too I think. 

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