Thursday, December 13, 2007

Walls in the Meadow

Sometimes I believe that because of Jesus Christ and our redemption, we are now standing in a plain or meadow with a nearly unobstructed view of God Almighty in front of us. There He is, a hand reaching out for us to grab, his face shielded by the sheer brightness of the light he eminates. He walks towards us, and I begin to run, I can't help it, like a child to his father, tired of all of the pain this world doles out.

Yet on this plain, by the designs of our constant disobedience, walls appear - one by one, blocking the slight of our Father. We can't go around them, under them, or through them. Becuase - we won't let ourselves. I stand and rationalize why the wall is there. I curse the wall; After all it's in our way of seeing Him!!! I kick it, stump my toe, and in my pain, probably curse again! Yet, I'm the one who put it there, most of them anyway. God is not the architect of those types of walls. Perhaps some of them are necessary ones, tests, if you will, but beyond that, still hinderances. Still, a wall is a wall.

God, though, is ready and able to help us through those walls, which can dematerialize in front of our eyes as our faith increases, allowing the walls to turn into more of haze. Still, there seems to always be something blocking Him from our eyes and lives. My prayer today, for myself, and for whoever reads this, is that our faith will be increased, that the walls won't frustrate us, and that we can allow the Lord to break through. Meadows were not designed for walls.

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