Responsive Reading “We Stand Thankful”
by Chris V. Bridges
Reader: In times of plenty, and in times of want
People: We stand thankful for both the blessings and challenges that You give to make us strong
Reader: In times of the drudge of the daily grind, and in times of jubilant celebration
People: We stand thankful for opportunities for rest and thankful for spiritual zeal
Reader: In times of hunger, in times of thirst
People: We stand thankful for your provision to meet our needs
Reader: In times of health, in times of sickness
People: We stand thankful for your healing, your miracles, and your ever present hand upon us.
Reader: In times of sin, selfishness, and our disobedience
People: We stand thankful You are a God who restores, forgives, and saves
Reader: In times of disagreement, disorder, unrest, or uncertainty
People: We stand thankful that You are a God of order in the chaos, and that you never change.
Reader: In times of terror, heartbreak, or struggle
People: We stand thankful that You will never leave us nor forsake us
Reader: In times like this, where we pause to recognize all of who You are
People: We stand thankful
Reader: Let this be our Thanksgiving prayer both for this time, and always