Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Senior Adult Choir Tour 2011 Day Two

Today we began the day with our second ministry concert of the trip.  The Senior Adult ministry of Southside Baptist Church........in Louisville, had asked us to perform for their weekly meeting.  Since Southside Louisville was the church which I served in both as an intern and as minister of music while in seminary, this was a special honor to return to this place that helped me get my feet wet in music ministry early on.  We were warmly received, and they also provided us with a nice lunch afterwards.  I got a nice surprise when a few of my close friends from Southside Louisville came to hear us.  It was good to be in that building again.  I wondered downstairs and one point and found the church's old projector, which we had purchased 12 years prior when I served there, sitting quietly retired in a corner.  It was like seeing an old friend!  We did have a bit of a scare when one of our choir members had a fall which resulted in a few scrapes and abrasions, but after being patched up, insisted on singing the concert anyway. I love that sort of sacrificial spirit, and that moment of perseverance has been one of my favorite moments on the tour thus far.

After Southside, we toured Churchill Downs, and had a great time, despite scorching humid 96 degrees in a tour that was mostly outdoors.  After returning to the seminary for a quick rest, we went out to eat at the Joe Huber Family Farmhouse Restaurant across the river in Indiana, and it was fantastic and better than I even remembered.  So, the day ended very well, and there were some nice ministry moments along the way.

Southside Louisville Friends Axie and Ann

Entering the Kentucky Derby Museum

Waiting on the 360 degree movie at the Derby Museum

Outside the Paddock area of Churchill Downs

The famous Twin Spires of Churchill Downs

Family style meal at Huber's Farm

Monday, May 30, 2011

Senior Adult Choir Tour 2011 Day One

We began our Senior Adult Choir trek to Louisville, Kentucky today.  The Lord granted us travelling mercies, and we arrived in Louisville at 8:15 p.m., exactly as scheduled.  On the way, we made a stop at the Western NC Baptist Retirement Home, where we presented out concert program, and were warmly received.  We got to meet a lot for very nice folks there, and as always, I believe we were able to warm some spirits and touch some hearts.  Interestingly enough, there was a person from Louisville, KY in the audience, as well as Mooresville.  There were probably about 30 residents there to listen to us, which is a good crowd for facilities such as this.  We also stopped for lunch at the Moose Cafe near the farmer's market for an unbelievably good meal.  Following lunch, we headed to KY, where on the way we watched the movies "Secretariat" while seeing the scenery of the Kentucky countryside and horse barns that dotted the landscape.