It's been a while since I've posted, but now that we're settled in more in our new ministry, hopefully I'll do more often here; perhaps not daily, but at least more often.
Today I read a familiar Psalm, Chapter 136. It's the one with the repeated "His faithful love endures forever" after every line. After a description of Israel's history of deliverance, it makes the statement "He remembered our utter weakness...He saved us from our enemies (v.23-24; NLV). Many times in the course of my ministry I've been plagued with doubt over why God has me in the specific role I'm in. I have walked along side of many friends who, very obviously, had more musical talent, were better multi-taskers and delegators, and who seemed "to have it all together" more. It's easy to focus on our weaknesses in these times and get discouraged. The Lord whispered a thought to me through these verses today that He already knows where we're weak, and He knows about the strengths of others. And, as with the case of some folks I've encountered, some have fallen away from the faith or embraced false ideologies in some way. The Lord comforted me today by telling me that "I have you right where I want you." Because, perhaps, he knows that despite hardships with my faith, I just might be strong enough to do the task He has for me. Not strength of my own, mind you, but my utter weakness paired with his strength.