"Try to be more Christ-like and less Christ-less"
Here's what my brain perceived it to say:
"Try to be more Christ-like and less like Christians"
I had to giggle at myself for that mistake, but then I thought, wait a minute. Society has such a bad taste in its mouth over the word "Christian" today that perhaps my mental mistake may have some truth to it! There are plenty of folks out there who are focusing so much on being a good "Christan" that they forget it's not just the regiment of church going, tithing, and circle meetings that makes us holy. It's our relationship with Christ. Therefore, let's all stop focusing on what makes a Christian, and focus on modeling our lives after Christ.
Dave Burchett's book "When Bad Christians Happen to Good People," which I'm reading now, really addresses how Christians in our society have let each other (and the world) down in many ways. Dave's also got a blog if you want a snapshot version of his philosophy: http://www.daveburchett.com/
Also, while I'm sharing links, in trying to find the source of the above sign quote, I stumbled upon a very funny blog about church signs. Warning: if you're easily offended, this site does poke a bit of fun at some of the silliness we allow our churches to advertise. It's cynical humor to say the least. http://crummychurchsigns.blogspot.com/